Teacher Recruitment

MICHIGAN, K-8 Teachers:
Pilot the Center’s “BrainVentures” on EV/Mobility

Help engage today’s children in exploring tomorrow’s new careers!

The Center is looking to work with K-8, Michigan classroom teachers to pilot engaging supplemental resources on Electric Vehicles and Mobility. “BrainVentures” are highly-interactive, collaborative, visually-engaging, and explore the science of EV/M and explore careers in EV/M. ALL the materials (for students and for teachers) needed to enact a BrainVenture are included in the BrainVenture itself. There are two types of BrainVentures: multidisciplinary ones (needing 1-2 periods to enact) and more traditional science units (needing 3-5 periods). And, for the first 30 teachers who pilot a BrainVenture,
each will receive a $100, Amazon gift card (see requirements*).

BrainVenture – 4th Grade – EV/Mobility – 5 Periods – Science – NGSS, Michigan Standards & MiTECS Aligned

To support all learners, the student-facing version (see above) of the BrainVenture, on the Collabrify Roadmap Platform, has accommodations and scaffolds: directions read aloud, colorful, graphical icons, collaboration support (e.g., VoIP). In the teacher-facing version (see below) the nodes with “Apple-badges” – which are not visible in the student-facing version – contain information for the teacher, e.g., the standards that are being addressed in that BrainVenture.

Everything the teacher needs and everything the student needs is in one place – in the BrainVenture!

Please watch a short video that describes the Center’s BrainVentures for EV/Mobility. For further information, please contact: Dr. Elliot Soloway, [email protected]


  • Attend a 1-1.5 hour Zoom webinar prior to teaching the BrainVenture.
  • Teach the enCre BrainVenture .and supply the CDC team with feedback and with student work samples.
  • Have students (grades 1-8) complete a short survey after completing the BrainVenture.